
May 2017 Report

  • In April the Labourforce / Impex TL&SC Job Index fell a surprising 7.6%
  • Part of this can be attributed to three days lost to Easter and ANZAC day as well as school holidays
  • Permanent job opportunities fell a whopping 10.2% wiping out a short-lived Bull Run in early 2017
  • Temporary and Contract opportunities fell just 1.7%
  • All states and territories fell in April with the Mining and Resource states faring particularly poorly
  • The largest falls were seen in white collar occupations – TL&SC Management fell 10% while Clerical vacancies fell 6.7%
  • Conversely Air, Sea and Rail Transport job opportunities fell just 2.7%
  • Demand in Retail and Wholesale fell sharply. Mining, Utilities and Construction was also hard hit